Immediately before the final period began, the coach would point to David and begrudgingly insert him at right fullback for the requisite minimum amount all kids must play. 就在最后一节比赛开始前,教练会指指戴维,心不甘情不愿地把他塞到右后卫的位置,以达到所有孩子必须踢足的最低时间要求。
The process by which the transformer is enabled to draw the requisite amount of power is as follows. 使变压器能够从电源输入必要数量的功率的过程如下。
The requisite amount of additional capital is a function of the specific exposures of each bank and the probability of a confluence of economic and market events. 所需额外资本数额由每家银行具体的风险敞口以及一系列经济与市场事件的可能性组成的函数来确定。
It is the best way to begin using antibiotics 20 minutes after the anesthesia and having used fluid infusion to complement the physio-pathological requisite amount. 3. 抗生素在扩容性补液补足生理病理需要量且麻醉后20分钟开始(含20分钟)应用为最佳。